4 Warning Signs That Your Coffee Machine is Harbouring Mould
ShareDark, confined, and moist – your coffee machine is an ideal place for mould to thrive. Boiling water might mitigate some of its effects, but mould spores can easily find their way into your cup of coffee, and from there into your stomach. It isn't a nice thing to have to think about, but weekly cleanings and regular maintenance can easily keep your coffee machine mould-free. If you're experienced any of the warning signs listed below, it is time to take action.
1. You Experience Signs of Nausea
Coffee can sometimes make people feel a little sickly, especially if they have too much of it. In fact, diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach-ache, dizziness, and fever are all common symptoms of a caffeine overdose. However, you shouldn't be experiencing a caffeine overdose after just one or two cups of coffee; if you are experiencing the symptoms listed above, it could be down to mould. This is particularly likely if you also feel bloated or gassy.
2. You Experience Signs of Allergies
Drinking coffee that contains mould spores doesn't just make for a sickly cup of Joe. Mould is also a prime cause of allergy flare-ups, such as sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and headaches. Unfortunately, people don't often associate coffee with allergies, so this sign frequently goes unnoticed. Of course, you now know better; if your own particular allergy symptoms flare-up soon after taking a cup of coffee, mould could be to blame.
3. Your Coffee Tastes a Little Funky
It might sound a little obvious to say that a sign of a mouldy coffee machine is a nasty tasting cup of coffee, but many people will simply blame the problem on a bad batch of beans. Furthermore, mould doesn't need to completely infest your machine to become a problem; a small amount can still cause issues, but it won't make your coffee completely unpalatable right away. At first, it's more likely that you'll only notice a slightly unpleasant aftertaste.
4. Your Machine Drips Slowly
By the time mould completely clogs up your machine, you'll have a serious problem on your hands. Before this happens, you might notice that your machine is dripping out coffee slightly slower than it used to. This is because tiny bits of mould are absorbing water and impeding its flow. Is your coffee machine taking a minute or two longer to make enough for each cup? If so, it could be concealing mould.
Not many people take the time to think about whether mould could be living in their coffee machine, but they really should. Remember, ingesting mould isn't just unpleasant – it's also unhealthy. It's always best to regularly clean and maintain.