How to Address a Few Common Problems With a Central Air Conditioner

30 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog


A home's central air conditioner should be checked and maintained every year before the summer season begins. This will ensure it's in good working order and won't suffer any unnecessary wear and tear while in use during the long summer months. However, if you're like many homeowners, you probably put off this task so your system could break down when you least expect it or potentially earlier than you would think; even if you do maintain your air conditioner regularly, it's bound to malfunction at one time or another. Note a few common problems with an air conditioner so you know what to expect when it comes to air conditioning repairs.

Refrigerant leaks

If the air conditioner cycles on and off as it should and you know it's blowing air through the vents, but the air just doesn't seem cool enough, the unit might have a refrigerant leak. One common cause of this is overcharging the level of refrigerant in the unit; if you've done this yourself, you need to realise that having too much refrigerant in the unit doesn't mean it will be any more efficient. Instead, this will usually just lead to more pressure along the tubing for the refrigerant and result in leaks.

Check for any wet spots around the unit and have a repairperson address this leak, replacing any coils as needed. Also, check the proper charge for refrigerant so the unit is not damaged again by overcharging.

Wire corrosion

If your air conditioner is oversized or undersized, it's actually likely to cycle on and off more than it should. An oversized unit will quickly cool a space without having a chance to remove humidity, and the humidity left behind will make the space quickly seem warm again and the unit will cycle back on. An undersized unit will also work again and again to try to cool every area of your home.

When this happens, the wires to the fan are likely to become corroded. If you're suddenly getting a weak airflow from the system, this can be that the wires to the fan cannot supply it with enough electricity to run properly and, in turn, the fan doesn't spin as quickly as it should in order to push air through the ductwork. Note if the airflow seems cool but just weak; if so, the unit is probably working fine except that the fan wiring needs replacing.